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Allied Healthcare products stock gains momentum

Allied Healthcare Products cares for the human respiratory system by providing products such as oxygen tubing, face masks, oxygen cylinders, pneumatic nebulizers, ventilators, resuscitation valves, and more. Its stock was sold and bought at the official auction at $ 5.33. Over the past 5 days, the price once had plummeted to a low of $ 4.59, after which it popped to $ 5.5. Over the past 4 months, the company hasn’t published any exciting news, but despite this, today, before market trading, the worth of this stock has soared 80%, to $ 9.7. There is a possibility that the price will continue to rise until the opening of official trading.

World Health Organization (WHO) announced that was going to hold an emergency meeting to discuss the spread of the coronavirus, namely its possible new variant B.1.1.529, in southern Africa, and to assess how deadly it is, as it has a huge number of mutations. This strain was found in South Africa, and in a neighboring country, as well as a tourist who flew from there to Hong Kong. There is a likelihood that the rise in AHPI was caused by this news, as there was a huge interest from investors. Earlier, there were cases when the price surged due to fears about the coronavirus. Own Snap

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