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Consumers are interested in a COVID-19 vaccine

As COVID-19 vaccines become more available, more Americans are citing an interest in receiving them. A McKinsey Consumer Survey conducted in mid-February found more Americans moving into the “Interested adopter” category, citing a plan to request or schedule a vaccination.

Notably, the majority of respondents cited satisfaction with the process, including 81 percent who said there were satisfied with the ease of scheduling and appointment times. Personal connections also appear to be a factor in vaccination: Nearly half of respondents said they made a recommendation to receive a vaccine, of which two-thirds were in a personal conversation to friends and family. The highest level of satisfaction from respondents related to the vaccine rollout was for doctors/healthcare providers. Physicians and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention remain the most trusted sources of advice to receive the vaccine.

However, there is room for improvement: More than a fifth of respondents said they were unsure if they were eligible to receive the vaccine. Almost half said they would be most comfortable receiving the vaccine in a doctor’s office, while that has only occurred for 9 percent of those respondents.

The insights in the below presentation draw upon findings from McKinsey’s Consumer Surveys from February 19, 2021; January 4−11, 2021; and in 2020: November 20−December 6, October 22−26, September 5−7, July 11−14, June 4−8, May 15−18, April 25−27, April 11−13, March 27−29, and March 16−17.


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