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Next-Gen technologies for the hospital

Telehealth. In a technologically driven world, it is thought that as many as 60 percent of customers prefer digitally led services. For example, highly personalized mobile apps are being developed, which allow patients to speak virtually with physicians and other medical professionals to receive instant diagnosis and medical advice.

With oversubscribed services, telehealth gives patients different access points to healthcare when and where they need it. It is particularly useful for patients managing chronic conditions as it provides them with consistent, convenient, and cost-effective care. The global telemedicine market is expected to be worth USD 113.1 billion by 2025.

Virtual reality. Virtual reality has been around for some time. However, recently, with medical and technological advances, medical students have been able to get close to real-life experience, using technology. Sophisticated tools help them gain the experience they need by rehearsing procedures and providing a visual understanding of how the human anatomy is connected. The VR devices will also serve as a great aid for patients, helping with diagnosis, treatment plans, and to help prepare them for procedures they are facing. It has also proved very useful in patient-rehabilitation and recovery.

Precision medicine. As medical technology advances, it is becoming more and more personalized to individual patients. Precision medicine, for example, allows physicians to select medicines and therapies to treat diseases, such as cancer, based on an individual’s genetic make-up. This personalized medicine is far more effective than other types of treatment as it attacks tumors, based on the patient’s specific genes and proteins, causing gene mutations and making it more easily destroyed by the cancer meds. Precision medicine can also be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

Health wearables. The demand for wearable devices has grown since their introduction in the past few years, since the release of Bluetooth in 2000. People today use their phone to track everything from their steps, physical fitness, and heartbeat to their sleeping patterns. The advancement of these wearable technologies is in conjunction with rising chronic diseases, like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and aim to combat these by helping patients to monitor and improve their fitness. The wearable devices market is forecast to reach USD 67 billion by 2024.

3-D printing. If you have not heard, 3-D printers have quickly become one of the hottest technologies on the market. These printers can be used to create implants and even joints to be used during surgery. 3-D-printed prosthetics are increasingly popular as they are entirely bespoke, the digital functionalities enabling them to match an individual’s measurements down to the millimeter. This allows for unprecedented levels of comfort and mobility.

The use of printers can create both long-lasting and soluble items. For example, 3-D printing can be used to print pills that contain multiple drugs, which will help patients with the organization, timing, and monitoring of multiple medications. This is a true example of technology and medicine working together.

Robotic surgery. Robotic surgery is used in minimally invasive procedures and helps to aid in precision, control, and flexibility. During robotic surgery, surgeons can perform very complex procedures that are otherwise either highly difficult or impossible. As the technology improves, it can be combined with augmented reality to allow surgeons to view important additional information about the patient in real time, while still operating. While the invention raises concerns that it will eventually replace human surgeons, it is likely to be used only to assist and enhance surgeons’ work in the future.

Telemedicine. This is the most remarkable technology allowing virtual consultations, and more than 29 percent of the consultations in coming 2 years will be telemedicine-based.

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