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AstraZeneca, ISN collaborate for CKD Academy

AstraZeneca India, a leading science-led biopharmaceutical company, announced the launch of their Chronic Kidney Disease Academy, in collaboration with the largest professional organization of nephrologists in India– Indian Society of Nephrology (ISN).

This academy will offer module-based learning for clinicians to enable them to provide better kidney care to their patients. The training program aims to cover the pathophysiology, presentation, diagnosis, complications and management of CKD.

The announcement comes after the multi-year partnership agreed between both the organizations earlier this year on World Kidney Day, to create public awareness about kidney care and related health disorders, build education at primary care physician level on early diagnosis, prompt management and aid nationwide screening for at risk patients and general public to promote timely detection and holistic management.

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) today is a worldwide burden on public health systems with adverse outcomes of kidney failure and premature death. It continues to be the major cause of global morbidity and mortality. Early identification and prognosis of CKD helps to delay the progression of the disease which in turn decreases the economic burden on individuals, their family and the healthcare community.

According to a study conducted by the Indian Society of Nephrology (ISN), one in every 10 adults in India suffers from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), at any given point. The mean age of people with CKD was investigated and it was found that about 20% of patients were aged 38 years or less. It is also estimated that 9 out of 10 patients may not even know that they suffer from a kidney ailment.

Through this program, AstraZeneca and Indian Society of Nephrology aim to help clinicians and healthcare practitioners to provide holistic kidney care to their patients. Under World Kidney Day’s theme of ‘Kidney Health For All’, both the organizations have strengthened their commitment to the purpose of generating large scale awareness and educating people about ways to improve kidney health.

Dr A K Bhalla, President – Indian Society of Nephrology and Chairman, Department of Nephrology at Sir Gangaram Hospital said, “India currently stands at a critical point when it comes to managing Chronic Kidney Diseases. We are delighted to partner with AstraZeneca and further our efforts towards the management of significant practices for good kidney health.

Awareness and early intervention remains the key, but it is equally important for physicians to meet the current quality standards in the care management involving kidney diseases. With AstraZeneca and top nephrologists, we are working locally and nationally to deliver accurate health information, address the current burden of CKDs and improve the clinical outcomes for patients.”

Dr Sanjeev Gulati, President Elect – Indian Society of Nephrology and Principal Director, Nephrology and Kidney Transplant at Fortis Escorts said, “This is a historic and unique physician-pharma initiative that focuses on the preventive and educational aspect rather than the curative one. Rising Kashmir

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