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Authorities crack whip on hospitals, seize one for violations

The District Medical and Health officials cracked the whip on some of the private hospitals which were violating the rules and regulations and fooling the gullible patients by prescribing wrong medicines.

Narayanpet district medical officer Dr Rammohan Rao visited Kosgi Municipality and inspected various hospitals like Amma Hospital, Chinnari Hospital, Balaji Hospital, Surya Hospital and Aarogya Hospitals in the region and checked the records.

During inspection, the DMHO found that the Chinnari Hospital was not registered and the doctor had a degree of Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicines but practicing the allopathic medicines. The DMHO took a strong objection against such wrong practice by a learned doctor and advised him to prescribe Ayurvedic medicines and not English medicines. The DMHO officials seized his hospital and warned others not to violate the medical regulations.

The DMHO also advised the private hospitals not to promote the cesarean surgeries on pregnant woman and advised them to go for normal deliveries as it will help the woman folks to stay stronger. While those who go for cesarean will have other health related problems after they grow older.

Dr Rammohan Rao, also advised the pregnant women to give mother’s milk to the newborn babies as it improves the immune system of children and keeps them away from diseases. The Hans India

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