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CardiAI joins hands with Carleton University for PoC medical diagnostics

Biotechnology company CardiAI has announced a partnership with the Faculty of Engineering and Design at Carleton University in Canada to advance point-of-care medical diagnostics.

The collaboration is set to advance medical diagnostics by developing EG-FET biosensor technology, which will be used for detecting critical biomarkers in saliva and whole blood.

This technology is expected to deliver highly sensitive and specific results, improving the accuracy of medical diagnostics.

The focus is on detecting NT-proBNP and cardiac troponin biomarkers, with the potential to expand to other health conditions.

The collaboration aims to have a worldwide impact by enhancing the accessibility of medical tests and contributing to the health of individuals globally.

Carleton Organic Sensors and Devices Laboratory head and Carleton Department of Electronics associate professor Dr Ravi Prakash said: “This collaboration exemplifies the power of interdisciplinary partnerships in driving scientific progress.

“Our department is excited to contribute to the development of cutting-edge biosensor technology that has the potential to redefine point-of-care diagnostics.

“By combining our research strengths, we aim to make a lasting impact on healthcare accessibility and usher in a new era of medical innovation.”

The parties will also integrate the biosensor technology with BioAro’s artificial intelligence-powered Telemedicine Platform and Electronic Medical Records system, BioEMR, to streamline healthcare services, enabling better patient management and diagnostic reporting.

CardiAI cardiologist and CEO Dr Anmol Kapoor said: “Together, we are committed to advancing technology that not only addresses current healthcare challenges but also opens new doors for innovation and improved patient outcomes.”

In 2022, CardiAI introduced BPAro, a new 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring system. Medical Device Network

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