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COVID-19 Crisis In Gujarat Result Of Long-Term Shortages In Healthcare

New Delhi, CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury on Thursday said the coronavirus crisis in Gujarat is a result of lacunae in the state”s healthcare services for the past 25 years, referring to reports that it has the lowest recovery rate from the pandemic.

“All data from Gujarat shows that the crisis is due to long term shortages in healthcare there in past 25 years. This must be rectified in Modi”s home state where he presided over destroying public health services as CM. All states must ramp up public health to save precious lives,” he said in a tweet.

So far, Gujarat had reported 2,407 coronavirus cases and 103 deaths, according to the Union health ministry.

Officials said the number of COVID-19 cases in the state has increased significantly because of intensive surveillance and testing in areas that have been declared hotspots.

Yechury accused the Centre of “hiding data and facts” and said this has further worsened the crisis.

“Centre”s attempts to hide data/facts has worsened the health & humanitarian crisis. Good information is key. States must be fully supported to check COVID-19. Instead we see centralisation, waste of precious resources in PR & breeding of communal hate. This is just unacceptable,” he said.

The death toll due to COVID-19 rose to 686 and the number of cases climbed to 21,700 in the country on Thursday, the health ministry said.

The number of active COVID-19 cases in India stands at 16,689 as 4,324 people have recovered and been discharged from hospitals, and one patient migrated, it said.-Outlook India

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