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Free RT-PCR tests at malls, markets during festive season

Karnataka: Ahead of the festive season when people throng markets for shopping, free RT-PCR tests are being conducted at all malls across the city of Mysuru in an effort to check the spread of COVID-19.

The free tests for the staff of shops at the city’s two major malls in Nazarabad got off to a start on Sunday. This measure will continue until Deepavali is over. The malls are places that attract large crowds for festive shopping. Mobile testing units set up by the Mysuru City Corporation are being used to collect swab samples of the staff and shoppers.

MCC Health Officer D.G. Nagaraj said places attracting large crowds are being focused on at the moment as a precautionary measure. “The cases have come under control in the past few days and we want to ensure that it does not spread, taking all precautions by stepping up the tests,” he said. The Hindu

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