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HIMS will transform healthcare system

The Delhi government is set to implement a world-class Health Information Management System (HIMS) soon in line with its bid to bring a transformation in the healthcare system of the Capital.

Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal dubbed the HIMS a “monumental step” towards getting the people of Delhi “freedom from their problems” and said the project will bring about a revolution in the healthcare infrastructure of Delhi making health management seamless and levelling it with the standards of developed nations.

The system will be implemented by next year with the Health Department having completed vendor selection and the bidding process. It is working to streamline the project and place it in front of the Delhi Cabinet. The project was reviewed by Mr. Kejriwal on Thursday.

Health cards
As part of the project, health cards will be assigned to each citizen which will be a repository of medical information. Doctors will be able to see patients’ medical history using the card and patients will be able to take appointments from home.

“The Delhi government is committed towards providing the best and the most modern healthcare facilities to the people of Delhi. HIMS is a monumental step in this direction, so we must be extremely serious towards its implementation and expedite the timelines,” Mr. Kejriwal said.

After the implementation of the HIMS, the government stated, people will “get freedom” from long queues of hospitals and be able to get a doctor appointment by accessing an online portal from the comfort of their homes.

Patients will be designated a time frame to meet the doctor and will be able to get consultation as per it. According to the government, surveys across the city will be conducted soon to make sure every citizen can get their e-Health card made. The cards will also be made at hospitals and other dedicated centres and distributed through a door-to-door campaign.

The Delhi government said it was trying to implement the HIMS in all government hospitals as soon as possible and private hospitals will also be connected to it in a phased manner.

According to the government, all patient care-related services like hospital administration, budgeting and planning, supply chain management, back end service and processes will be brought under this system.

After its implementation, the government said Delhi will become the only state in the country to have a cloud based health management system which at present is available in some countries like Sweden, Uganda and Germany.

Under the Health Card Project, QR code based e-Health Cards will be issued to the residents of Delhi on the basis of Voter ID and Population Registry from which demographic and basic clinical information of each patient can be obtained.

Family mapping will be done through e-health cards for health schemes and programmes. It will be integrated with HIMS for seamless information exchange. Cards with QR codes will be distributed to each person after physical verification.

To implement the HIMS project, a centralised call centre will be set up at two levels. In the first level, call centre operators will receive calls and messages from people. After logging in to the CRM, they will assess the case and get it resolved and inform the available healthcare staff concerned.

The operator will give the relevant information to the caller and a report will be generated at the end. On the other hand, at the second level, doctors and experts of the Delhi government will receive calls and messages and give appointments to the patient.

If the case is an emergency, the helpline will accept their call immediately and talk to them to solve the problem. If need be, they will contact a specialist doctor of the concerned disease. The Hindu

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