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How data governance in US healthcare has become business imperative

In the rapidly evolving landscape of U.S. healthcare, data governance has transitioned from a best practice to an indispensable priority, particularly with the increasing integration of artificial intelligence (AI) tools. While many organizations have established basic data governance measures, the surge in AI applications demands a proactive and institutionalized approach to ensure data accuracy, compliance, and risk mitigation. Healthcare, governed by global regulations safeguarding sensitive information, faces growing demands from both regulators and stakeholders, including patients and professionals, for greater control over their data.

Key elements of effective data governance encompass optimizing data quality, reducing duplication, ensuring a common understanding of data, and providing consistent, democratized access. Crafting a tailored strategy, organizations must assess their maturity level, identify critical data elements, and selectively designate responsible data owners. Achieving measurable value through improved regulatory compliance, accelerated analytics, and reduced inefficiencies requires a comprehensive data governance strategy, especially as AI’s potential hinges on the quality of input data. As the healthcare sector navigates this transformative journey, IQVIA emphasizes that data governance, once considered an IT initiative, is now a business imperative requiring executive leadership and a commitment to adaptability in the face of evolving data and regulatory landscapes. The Healthcare Technology

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