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Headlines of The Day

Improve quality of health care facilities at OGH and Gandhi Hospital

The Health Minister, T Harish Rao on Friday urged Osmania General Hospital (OGH) and Gandhi Hospital to improve the quality of healthcare services for the urban poor in Hyderabad.

In a review meeting on the healthcare facilities and civic works being taken up at OGH and Gandhi Hospital here on Friday, Harish Rao assured the health officials that the State Government will ensure vital medical equipment, infrastructure and life-saving medicines were at their disposal.

“There is a definite need to win back the confidence of patients and ensure they are treated in a humane way at OGH and Gandhi Hospital. Department heads must personally interact with patients in their wards. The class IV employees, non-clinical and paramedical staff must develop the habit of respecting patients and their relatives,” he said.

Both the tertiary hospitals must ensure quality healthcare services were available all through the day. “Irrespective of whether it is day or night, quality of treatment should not be compromised. Please conduct more high-end procedures and treatment for patients from neighbouring states like AP, Maharashtra and Karnataka under Aarogyasri and Ayushman Bharat health insurance schemes,” he said.

The State government will ensure high-end medical infrastructure is available so that the specialist surgeons can take up kidney transplants, orthopaedic procedures like knee and joint replacement surgeries.

Praising the maternal and child healthcare facilities at Gandhi Hospital, Harish Rao urged the doctors to focus reducing C-sections and take up more normal deliveries.

“The civic works that taken up at both the hospitals will be completed in the coming six months while the state-of-the-art mortuary at OGH will be available in the next nine months,” he said. Telangana Today

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