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Medical Building Construction Company, Simone Health, Explains How BIM Is Transforming The Healthcare Industry

Building a successful healthcare facility in the 21st century is now a completely tech-assisted process, forged ahead by planners, contractors, designers, and architects. Building information modeling, or BIM, has brought the construction industry to the next level, incorporating intelligent 3D models in the building process. BIM has already had an impact on a variety of construction projects in other industries, and we’re beginning to see its impact on healthcare as well. BIM gives planners the ability to make informed decisions regarding their construction process, and this follows through into a variety of different benefits throughout development. Medical building construction company, Simone Health, explains how BIM is transforming the healthcare industry, one building at a time.

Saves organizations time & money: One of the healthcare industry’s favorite benefits of using BIM in building development is its ability to save organizations time and money, two precious resources everyone wants to have more of. Healthcare construction is often riddled with delays, complicated requests, detailed planning, and inefficiencies, all of which can be tackled by using BIM modeling tools. BIM methods and tools mean less design reworking and more design progression, making the process faster and more efficient.

Streamlines complex tasks & projects: Healthcare building design is inherently a complex process, but BIM is capable of handling the complexity. BIM tools and methods highlight teamwork between all the involved parties, such as design, architect, and construction teams. Allowing all the teams to come together to communicate and visualize their ideas through BIM makes a very complex process more streamlined, decreasing the back and forth between groups and encouraging collaboration between all teams. Overall, the building experience is more coordinated and fluid, rather than facing clashes and mistakes down the line.

Provides visuals during construction: Since BIM involves 3D modeling tools, it provides a clear visual for everyone to expect as an end product. During the construction period, the BIM model can be used as a clear reference for aesthetics, keeping design intentions in-line throughout the whole process. All intentions of the healthcare facility design can be expressed through advanced BIM tools, ensuring that the fully constructed building meets expectations of those involved in the process. The realistic 3D visuals also provide a great guideline for special requirements involving equipment and furniture, keeping construction true to space needs.

Points out any errors before they get too far out of hand: Since BIM can fully model every aspect of a building prior to its construction, errors in the model or the design can be easily pointed out and corrected before the construction process even begins. The 3D modeling process mitigates risk, alongside the ability to fully realize any regulations in place for healthcare buildings on a visual model for officials to recognize. All of these factors streamline the whole construction period, taking what is normally a long-winded and complicated process down to a simpler, more direct one.

BIM is a valuable tool in modern construction. It is especially useful in the healthcare industry, which is filled with complexities other industries can’t compare to. Find out what BIM tools and methods can do for your next development project. – PR Newswire

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