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Headlines of The Day

MedIndia Hospital commissions Department of Preventive Medicine

MedIndia Hospital in Nungambakkam is commissioning a Department of Preventive Medicine to commemorate Doctor’s Day on July 1.

The department will offer tests to identify high risk factors and detect digestive diseases, if any. The hospital is also introducing a master health check up programme for people considered ‘high risk’ and a comprehensive lifestyle disorders health check up on Friday.

For a year, as part of its initiative, the hospital will offer free medical consultation, fasting blood tests (blood sugar, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol) and diet counselling. Certain investigations and surgical treatments will also be offered at a concessional rate. Vaccination will also be provided at cost price, said T.S. Chandrasekar, the hospital’s chairman and managing trustee of the MedIndia Charitable Trust.

The aim is to diagnose the disease at an early stage so that treatment outcomes are good, he explained. According to him, most cancers of the digestive tract at the time of diagnoses are at an advanced stage. The Hindu

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