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Monash forms international partnership with Malaysia Healthcare

Monash has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC), to encourage a capacity building program for embryologists in Malaysia.

Monash’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health offers Malaysian embryologists the opportunity to undertake the Master of Clinical Embryology as an off-campus student program.

This international partnership will advance the industry in Malaysia by:

  • increasing the volume of world-class certified embryologists in Malaysia
  • building a formal embryologist training program in Malaysia
  • improving the quality of patient care provided in Malaysia and in the region
  • developing and advancing the fertility services in Malaysia and within the APAC region
  • positioning Malaysia as an educational hub for fertility treatment within the APAC region.

Professor Christina Mitchell, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at Monash, which offers the Education Program in Reproduction and Development (EPRD), confirmed that Monash will be the official training partner for Malaysia’s fertility industry and will provide on-campus teaching facilities locally through Monash University Malaysia.

“We are pleased to work in collaboration with MHTC, the government agency that globally promotes Malaysia’s healthcare travel industry. With Malaysia’s renowned reputation in providing top-notch fertility treatments, we trust that this embryologist capacity building program will further uphold Malaysia’s medical and service excellence and continue opening more doors for patients seeking fertility treatments in Malaysia.”

According to Mohd Daud Mohd Arif, Chief Executive Officer of MHTC, “having navigated the pandemic over the past 20 months, we recognise how crucial it is to maintain and build new partnerships which continually uphold medical excellence, patient safety, and experience standards. We are delighted to establish this partnership with Monash University Australia, in our endeavour to have more embryologists trained right here in Malaysia. Malaysia is recognised as the preferred healthcare destination for healthcare travellers, particularly since the country has been positioned regionally as the Fertility Hub of Asia having experienced a 300% increase in demand for fertility treatments between 2011 and 2016”. Monash University

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