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International Circuit

New Research Partnership Brings Top-Class Scientists To China To Tackle Biomedical Problems

In the preliminary meeting of operating the regional research center, International Centre for Genetic Engineering Biotechnology (ICGEB) in China, Science and Technology Daily was informed that China Medical City (CMC), China’s leading medical industrialization base in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, was invited by ICGEB to discuss the promotion and collaboration between CMC and ICGEB.

The meeting mainly discussed which areas of research activities will be the most appropriate for collaboration. “In cooperation with CMC, we are expecting there will be novel approaches for the development of new therapeutics, vaccines, and diagnostics,” Dr. Lawrence Banks, the scientific coordinator and group leader of ICGEB, told Science and Technology Daily recently.

ICGEB is an international institution promoted by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization. As a center of excellence for research and training in genetic engineering and biotechnology, its goal is to make benefits for the developing countries.

Collaborating with CMC and China National Center for Biotechnology Development (CNCBD), ICGEB decided to set up the worlds first ICGEB regional research center (ICGEB-RRC) at CMC. Through providing high-quality research fields, holding meetings and workshops, training scientists in the lab and providing great opportunities in ICGEB-RRC, top-class scientists will be attracted to do research and tackle disease here. Banks told Science and Technology Daily that within the CMC, ICGEB will find ways to improve local advantages.

Although CMC invests more in developing biotechnology, there is a long way to go for the future development. Take ICGEB-RRC as an example, Banks gave his suggestions. The main advice is to push science innovation, as big discoveries can greatly impact the global health sector.

Banks mentioned the importance of promoting collaboration and building networks around the world for the future development of biological research as well. He explained that inviting experts from different regions to the ICGEB-RRC and finding the most appropriate ways through discussions could provide a better way to promote local biotech development.

CMC will hold the China International Medical Expo 2019 (MedicalExpo), one of the most famous world-wide medical exhibitions in China in September, and it will reach its ten-year milestone.

Last year, 230 foreign enterprises from 30 different countries took part in the MedicalExpo and brought lots of new biotechnologies, equipments and research results. – BioSpace

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