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Two Israeli MedTech companies announce partnership to develop artificial lung

Two Israeli MedTech companies have announced a new partnership on a way to directly oxygenate the blood for people who struggle to breathe alone, which would replace mechanical ventilation.

Inspira Technologies’ innovation involves inserting a cannula into the jugular, which pulls blood with low oxygen levels into an “artificial lung.” The device pumps oxygen into the blood and removes CO2 before sending it back into the body, reaching 95 percent oxygen saturation in about a minute.

The Ra’anana-based company has teamed up with Ennocure, which produces AI-driven, antibacterial wound dressings, to develop the device.

The INSPIRA ART device is designed for use while the patient is still awake and can breathe spontaneously and avoids the need for a ventilator that requires an induced coma.

The system also aims to counter bacterial infections triggered by intravenous interventions that can cause bloodstream infection (sepsis).

“By Integrating our technology to oxygenate blood directly with Ennocure’s infection prevention solutions, we are focusing on potentially improving patient outcomes in ICUs and paving the way for safer, more effective life-support treatments,” said Inspira CEO Dagi Ben-Noon.

“This collaboration is expected to accelerate the development and broaden the implementation of our advanced technology,” he said. NoCamels

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