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Headlines of The Day

Under pressure, AP releases ₹203 crore to Aarogyasri hospitals

The State government has released ₹203 crore out of the total dues amounting to over ₹1,500 crore to the empanelled/network hospitals under the Aarogyasri scheme on Thursday towards the payment of pending bills for the services rendered by them.

By doing so, the State government has paved the way for the A.P. Superspecialty Hospitals’ Association (ASHA) to ease the tough stance taken by it to stop treating beneficiaries of the Aarogyasri healthcare scheme in protest against non-clearance of the mounting dues.

Meanwhile, Chief Secretary K.S. Jawahar Reddy instructed officials concerned in a review meeting on May 23 to expedite the release of funds that were already approved by the Finance Department keeping in view the concerns raised by hospitals.

The association served an ultimatum to the government a couple of days ago that the hospitals would be forced to stop receiving cases listed under the Aarogyasri scheme if their long-pending dues were not cleared.

An office-bearer of ASHA told The Hindu that the government was expected to pay at least ₹800 crore so that the hospitals could cover their expenses and make payments to the vendors.

The YSR Aarogyasri Health Care Trust on May 22 stated that the government was willing to fully reimburse the expenditure incurred by network hospitals on account of Aarogyasri services rendered by them and that it instructed the District Collectors to ensure uninterrupted services. The Hindu

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