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USP College, Benfleet creates simulated hospital

A simulated hospital and nursery experience has been created as part of a college’s £1.5m expansion.

USP College is extending its Seevic campus, in Benfleet, Essex, which it said would give students a chance to get “hands-on” with their studies.

The new building would house specialist equipment, including virtual reality (VR) technology.

It would allow them to feed, change and educate children at a virtual nursery and consult with hospital patients.

Hospital beds and industry equipment to help students hone their skills have also been installed.

“Embedding technology and the use of VR throughout all of our lessons allows us to simulate real-world scenarios, making learning more engaging and practical for our learners,” college principal Dan Pearson said.

“The application of VR can significantly increase student motivation.

“It can turn learning into an exciting and enjoyable experience, which can increase overall engagement and retention of information.”

The simulated healthcare environment would create realistic scenarios for students to tackle and prepare them for their careers, the college said.

They would also be able to practice clinical and personal skills such as wound care, administering medication and conduct physical assessments.

USP student Holly O’Brien said the facilities were “amazing”.

“The rooms are so helpful as it really allows us to gain a realistic understanding of how to set up, maintain and manage a suitable setting,” she added. BBC

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