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India, Saudi Arabia renew focus on biotechnology, other sectors

The relationship between India and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has entered a new era of strategic partnership, marked by mutual respect, shared goals, and a deep commitment to regional and global stability. At the heart of this burgeoning alliance is the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, whose diplomatic acumen has significantly enhanced India’s ties with Saudi Arabia, especially in the realms of biotechnology, healthcare, and energy security.

Strengthening ties through high-level visits
The foundation of the current India-Saudi Arabia partnership was laid during PM Modi’s visit to Riyadh in April 2016, a trip that underscored the multifaceted cooperation between the two nations. The reciprocal visit by Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman to India in February 2019 further solidified this relationship. Both leaders have demonstrated a clear vision for the future, recognising the vast potential of collaboration across various sectors.

One of the most notable milestones in this partnership was the establishment of the Strategic Partnership Council (SPC) in October 2019, during the PM’s second visit to Riyadh. The SPC serves as a high-level forum to guide and enhance bilateral relations, covering a wide range of areas including defence, energy, technology, and healthcare, thereby reflecting a mutual understanding of the importance of India and Saudi Arabia to each other’s strategic interests. Further, the conferment of the Kingdom’s highest civilian honour on India’s Prime Minister underscores the value that Saudi Arabia places on its relations with India.

Biotechnology and healthcare: A new frontier
The field of biotechnology, particularly in the development and manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and vaccines, has emerged as a key area of cooperation. India, with its robust pharmaceutical industry and status as the largest manufacturer of generic medicines globally, is well-positioned to support Saudi Arabia’s ambitious health sector goals as part of its Vision 2030, with nearly 17% of Saudi Arabia’s public budget allocated to healthcare and life sciences. This vision includes providing free medicines to Saudi citizens by 2030, a goal that India can help achieve by supplying affordable and quality therapies.

The Covid-19 pandemic particularly highlighted the importance of this partnership. India’s supply of over 10 million doses of the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine to Saudi Arabia was a testament to its role as the “pharmacy of the world.” Despite initial challenges, the willingness to facilitate vaccine diplomacy underscored the depth of India’s commitment to its strategic partnership with Saudi Arabia.

Therefore, the partnership between India and Saudi Arabia in biotechnology is not merely transactional but deeply synergistic. India brings to the table its vast pool of scientific talent, cost-effective research and development capabilities, and a globally recognised pharmaceutical industry. Saudi Arabia, with its substantial investment capacity, modern research facilities, and strategic access to the markets of the Middle East and North Africa (projected to be approximately US$130 billion in terms of valuation), provides the perfect complement to India’s strengths. Together, these combined assets offer a powerful platform for groundbreaking advancements in biotechnology.

Towards a multifaceted partnership
Beyond biotechnology as well, the economic ties between India and Saudi Arabia have seen significant growth, with Saudi Arabia committing to a substantial investment in India’s infrastructure and energy sectors. The establishment of a joint task force to expedite the West Coast refinery project, involving a US$50 billion investment, marks a significant step towards enhancing energy security and economic cooperation.

Moreover, the inaugural Naval joint exercise, Al-Mohed Al-Hindi, signifies the growing trust and cooperation in security matters. Similarly, the historic visit of India’s General MM Naravane to Saudi Arabia in 2020 marked a significant milestone in defence cooperation, emphasising the shared commitment to regional security and stability.

Looking ahead
The strategic initiatives and agreements reached under this government have laid a solid foundation for a partnership that promises mutual benefits and contributes to the stability and welfare of the region and the world.

As both nations look to the future, the focus on biotechnology, healthcare, and economic cooperation, underpinned by strong cultural and defence ties, will continue to drive this partnership forward. The future of India-Saudi Arabia relations looks promising, with an increased opportunity to provide accessibility to quality medications for patients. It will also enable Indian companies to aim at greater market penetration and thereby, reach more patients.

In conclusion, the India-Saudi Arabia partnership, strengthened by PM Modi’s leadership, is a testament to the power of collaboration in addressing healthcare access challenges and seizing future opportunities. As this relationship continues to evolve, it stands as a beacon of progress in healthcare, not just for the two nations but for the entire region and beyond. CNBCTV18

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