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Mispa Revo Plus from Agappe Diagnostics

Immunofluorescence assay (IFA) is a standard virologic and essential immunochemical technique that enables the detection of the presence of antigen/antibodies by their specific ability to have antigen antibody reactions, where the bound antigen-antibody complex is visualized by incubation with fluorescently labelled antihuman antibody for accurate measurement.

Immunofluorescence analyzers are innovative medical devices, and very widely used for detection of infectious diseases, cardiovascular disease, cancer, fertility, pregnancy, etc. Most IFA analyzers come with small footprint yet provide reliable results at relatively quick turnaround time. Over the last few years, demand for immunofluorescence analyzers has witnessed a substantial increase, primarily due to the growing popularity of the point-of-care (POC) segment.

Mispa Revo Plus is an immuno­fluorescence instrument for measuring the concentration of designated analytes in the serum, plasma, and whole blood by means of antigens or antibodies. Basically, there are two types of immunofluorescence assays, direct and indirect. The direct IFA method uses a single antibody whereas indirect IFA uses two antibodies for the detection. Direct IFA is more expensive and offers less sensitivity whereas the indirect IFA method is less expensive and highly sensitive.

Mispa Revo Plus uses TRFIA (time resolve fluorescence immuno assay) technique, which is an indirect FIA method. Hence, we offer better sensitivity and specificity.

The fluorescent compound used in the Mispa Revo Plus cartridge is rare earth ions (Eu3+ compounds), which can produce highly specific fluorescent light, and are visible for a longer duration. TRFIA technology guarantees accurate results in Mispa Revo Plus.

Mispa Revo Plus can perform more than 20 parameters in different profiles like thyroid, cardiac, fertility, bone metabolism, etc., with the cartridge stability of 18 months. The secure QR code calibration helps to get the report very fast with a time limit of less than 20 min.

IFA analyzer Mispa Revo Plus fits in extremely well with the POC diagnostics market demands seen post-pandemic period. Early adopters of Mispa Revo Plus have obtained very useful test results on several parameters as shown below across disease/test profiles.

TFT includes T3, T4, and TSH, which are the most widely requested blood tests and are the first line of investigation when thyroid disease is suspected. Measurement of serum TSH concentration is considered the most effective single marker for the exclusion of primary thyroid dysfunction.

Cardiac biomarkers are of great importance in timely, accurate diagnosis, and management of acute coronary syndrome as well as the prognosis. Cardiac biomarkers are substances that are released into the blood when the heart is damaged or stressed. Only a few cardiac biomarker tests are routinely used by physicians. The current biomarker test of choice for detecting heart damage is troponin, whereas NT pro BNP is usually used to recognize heart failure.

Trying to become pregnant can be exciting, but for some women, it can be difficult and frustrating when time passes without success. Statistics reveal that about 10–14 percent of the Indian population suffers from infertility. Various health issues have paved the way for the rise of infertility amongst married couples – the changing lifestyle patterns is becoming a prominent cause. There are six major biomarkers that impact fertility, like FSH, LH, prolactin, progesterone, beta HCG, and AMH.

Vitamin D deficiency is becoming a lifestyle problem these days, especially amongst older adults and individuals who do not get enough sunlight. Vitamin D deficiency plays an important role in the development of metabolic bone diseases like rickets and osteomalacia. Recent status of vitamin D has been linked with several other disorders, such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, infections, such as tuberculosis and even risk of developing cancers.

Thus, Mispa Revo Plus can help in early and accurate diagnosis of various infectious diseases, cardiac markers, and fertility markers. Its compactness, portability, and real-time monitoring features add tremendous value to the clinician and patient alike.

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