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Neuberg Diagnostics Partners with UK’s Premaitha Health

India’s Neuberg Diagnostics today said it has partnered with UK’s Premaitha Health for transfer of DNA analysis technology for non-invasive prenatal testing to detect genetic conditions in unborn babies. Compared to other available tests of similar nature, the IONA test (developed by Premaitha) is accurate in detecting risks that an unborn child carries for genetic disorders like Down’s syndrome, Edward’s syndrome and Patau’s syndrome, among others, said Sandip Shah, Executive Director of Neuberg Diagnostics. The test developed by the UK-based molecular diagnostics company uses next generation sequencing technology to estimate the risk of a fetus having genetic disorders, Shah said.

The test is conducted by analyzing fetal DNA collected from a sample of maternal blood and has a higher detection rate than current available tests, he said. Testing of the high-tech technology will be carried out at Neuberg’s laboratory in Ahmedabad, Shah said. Neuberg is an alliance of a group of diagnostic laboratories with presence in India, the UAE and South Africa. Premaitha is an international molecular diagnostics company with special focus on non-invasive prenatal tests for pregnant women. – Business Standard

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