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Vaibhav Rupapara is making an impact in healthcare through AI

Today we interviewed Vaibhav Rupapara about his recent activities as a Salesforce Developer, researcher, and author.

What is your educational and professional background?
I have an M.S. in Computer Science from Florida International University. I am also certificated as a Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator and a Salesforce Certified Application Architect.

I have been working in software development since 2012, first in India, then in Phoenix, and now in the Boston area. I am currently working as a Salesforce Developer for Health Care based client, which is a truly innovative company that provides a variety of wellness solutions to the public. I am very committed to providing trustworthy customer experiences that promote health and well-being. My published research and recent book are also testaments of this commitment.

Tell me more about your published research and book.
Let’s start with my book, which is called, “Machine Learning in Healthcare.” It is available from most booksellers, including Barnes & Noble and Amazon, as well as in a variety of formats, such as paperback, hardcover, and digital. It is getting great reviews, and I am proud that it has been a helpful instructional tool for those who want to learn more about AI in healthcare.

My research has been getting a lot of citations lately, which I am also proud of. My most popular journal article is called, “A performance comparison of supervised machine learning models for Covid-19 tweets sentiment analysis. “I am sure that you can gather from the title that it is about my research on using machine learning to evaluate social media activities during the pandemic, as we have come to see more clearly that it can affect mental health.

What is next for you?
Well, I was recently appointed as a Senior Member in IEEE, so this may guide my decisions as to future research and reviewing. I am also considering another book about the intersection of software and healthcare, because I think that this topic is extremely important. I also intend to continue to hone my skills as a Salesforce Developer. I will be sure to update you during our next interview! Mid-day

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